Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Don't Ever Give Up Your Dream
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Weeeeeeek 7~!!!
alamakalamak!! @@
Week 7 is coming...
everyone gona be mad like cow...
final is coming..
jury is coming..
and i m not ready at all....
to all my frenzz...
Saturday, October 3, 2009
chew chew chew~!

duno duno..
the "ng" boy boy birthday celebration
Saturday, September 26, 2009
it's all about food....
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
在"冰城" (penang) 跟朋友去唱K时,唱了这首歌。
在车里 "一路向北" (kl-penang)
和 "一路向南" (penang-kl)
好有 FEEL 哦~!
别管那是非~ 只要我们感觉对~
别离开身边~ 拥有你我的世界才能完美~
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Maaf Zahir & Batin
Semoga Enjoy Bercuti
enjoyed L4D last nite with frens
wohoo~!!! cant wait for the next L4D
going for a wedding function now
then down to penang for 2-3 days
gosh... time to go...
bye bye~! happy holiday~! ^^
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
2 Birthday Boy
while watching "final destination"
after pavillion..we go genting....

Friday, September 11, 2009
~Everytime We Touch~
by Cascada
I still hear your voice
when u sleep next to me
I still feel your touch in my dreams
Forgive me my weakness
but I don't know why
Without you it's hard to survive
Your arms are my castle
your heart is my sky
They wipe away tears that I cry
The good and the bad times
we've been through them all
You make me rise when i fall
Cause everytime we touch
I get this feeling
And everytime we kiss
I swear I could fly
I need you by my side
Can't you feel my heart beat fast?
I want this to Last
Cause everytime we touch
I feel the Static
And everytime we Kiss
I reach for the sky
Can't you hear my heart beat so?
I can't let you go
I want you in my life
i m not a romantic type girl but i love this song. beautiful song. touched my heart everytime i listen to it over n over again for 3 years...it's just so sweet. it's like u feel lonely and you need somebody to be with. the lyrics-so perfect~! so meaningful~! imagine your love sing this for u. i will cry for it. i wish everyone out there can find your true love. it's hard to find a love that doesnt hurt . once u get hurt it is hard to cure/ you can find love everywhere, but u cant find true love the 2nd time. it takes time to find. but whn you u found it, just go for it. okay... i dono wat am i "loso" ing here.. thats all for now. good luck everyone^^
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"Everyone wants to be appreciated
so if you appreciate someone
Don't keep it a SECRET~!!!"
9... is a very naughty number..
past semester result.. mostly last digit is a 9
one more mark~! to ~70 or 80
lower my grade bacause of 9~!!!
grrrrrrrrr~! @@
Sunday, September 6, 2009
人变了心 言而无信
人断了情 无谓伤心
满天流星 无穷无尽
Saturday, September 5, 2009
New Semester
everything is kindna in a mess
results out > YUCKS~!
but i m glad i passed all subjects..
lucky me..
i know i gona get "nek nek nek" frm my mom
when result slip post back hometown
well.. wish me luck ^^ pray hard
First day - started with violin lesson
GREAT~! for the first time i go for violin lesson so unprepared
cos of mpyo camp n holiday mood
and i don't even know i missed my theory class
(cos i didn't check my timetable)
geng or not~? haha
JURY this sem~! omgomgomg
my teacher going to japan...
so i m not going to have violin lesson until oct
thats mean~!! 2 more lessons to my jury~!!!
Aural III ....
Miss leong again~!! OWH MAI...
i gona face her more than i face my own mom
(Miss Leong teach us Theory II n Aural II last sem)
Aural class tues to friday..T.T
thn CME coaching..under Mr Lee
gona play trio with TongKiat and Jessica this sem
kindna "mengelikan" this piece..
maybe cos we all sight reading..
Helping 2 seniors in cme too this sem
"use your first time wisely!" as what Winston said to me..
my gosh~! haha.~!
what he mean is try not to miss first week classes
my timetable
mon 10-12, 7-10
tues 10-1, 2-3, 4-6
wed 4-5
thurs 10-12, 4-5
fri 2-3
wed n fri gotta go sch just for one hour aural
Me, Lisa, Zhi wen & Winston went to DFP box office on wed
to buy tickets...
tzk tzk tzk tzk~!... soooo crowded~!
while waiting for our turn...
we went....for... ICE CREAM~!
wohoo ..~!
walk around klcc.. flash back moments we spend in klcc during camp
grrrrrrrrrrrhh i miss camp so much
end up. i missed another class... aural class on wed
lol~@@ don't care
tickets are more important
short semester always make ppl panic
fingers crossing.. hope everything goes smoothly
I wish everyone Good Luck in everything~!
God Bless~! ^^
a present from you-know-who, from you-know-where... tq tq~!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
happy merdeka ~
just back from another hang out with mpyo gang
"farewell" for ket wei plus merdeka countdown
all the best to ket wei...
miss mpyo camp so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so MUCH
new semester lai liao
so sad.....
so i spend my whole sem break holiday in mpyo camp
not bad la.. stayed in real cool semi-apartment hotel for one week
everyday eat ho liao
buffet breakfast everyday
sleep on super suang bed
like piggy....
we enjoyed eating...
owh yea~.. we really do enjoy makan here and there
California pizza . Chili's . Sakae Sushi . bla bla bla
we watched movie... lame lame movies
both in cinema and in room
yiki's lame hamsap movie....yerrrr mengelikan~!
haha. we always owh my"ing" here and there
mafia~! owh yea babe
mafia is really fun. lucky i brought my cards
cool game ~ everyone should try mafia
*zeng zeng*
heart attack with lisa which make me shouted like crazy witch
cooked SUPPER together
but no shopping this time.. lol.. amazing
OMG~! i really miss camp so much
happy time always !bye bye! fast
gotta back to reality..
uni life again....
thats all for my sem break
waiting for my results...
fingers crossing>.<
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
yeeepeeee~! ^^
finished finals...
blogging at school library again...
Wat's next?
i supposed to have one week break b4 next sem starts
well. guess i don't
MPYO camp coming reaallllyyyyy soon
and i reeeeaaaallllyy scared cos haven't touch any piece yet...
anyway, i got to enjoy my 4 precious holiday day from now
plans coming up
~going over eli's house tonight @ kepong
~CC with frens on wed
~out for k k k k k after teaching on thurs
~game game game~!
p/s~ stupiak Internet... pls recover soon
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Happy birthday~!
got "gan dong" we all back for your birthday bo?
love u so so much chey~
hope u enjoyed ur birthday
feel so good to be home
feel so warm with family
feel so blessed being sayang
feel so worried for not studying for final
feel so SAD to leave hometown tomorrow
feel so "Sheeeet" going back KL again
feel so excited for next week~!!^^
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Super "gong" internet..
i cant online for many days liao..
wats your problem??? grrr...
just finished my music history final exam
do till headache!
cabut out early n online at library
bao li or not?
wohoo~ while my frens still in the super cold exam hall..
jia you la u all..
*~had great concert night last tuesday!
thanks to Billy & YiiSoon for supporting me. really shocked.
THANKSSSS old fren~!!
(p/s: next time shout my name louder. xixi.)
*~i think i going to fail my aural. gg.
*~one more paper to go!! haha~!
but i in holiday mood already @@
*~SLEEPLESS for 4 days already..
panda + gold fish eyes "pop" out dy! help~!
*~flying back hometown tomorrow morning!
yes! hope i don't get H1N1 in the plane lar..
everyone pray or me la @@
*~back kl Sunday night
(wuliao or not?? i back 3days nia)
*~haven't started practising MPYO pieces..
die liao lar...
*~NEW HAND PHONE coming soon~ i love u~
that's all or now
everyone take care~! XD
# If You Think You can , You Can~! Don't Give Up~ #
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Ay Aim Da Biu~!!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
CME ~!!!
this whole week played 3 CME Assesment..
2 session = helping Seniors
both of them last semester in CME dy..
i hope i did my best helping them...
My own CME group is
*special combo set*
Violin + Flute + Piano
me + Yvoon+ Karen
special thanks t0
Karen and Yem Voon~!
and also DR. Lim
ALIGATO~!! haha
really enjoyed my cme this semester with both of u..
many fun things happened..
during cme coaching or practicing..
1. can u imagine??
2. u will only hear me n karen Laughing.... laugh out loud
because... yvoon laughter is ALWAYS in SILENT MODE~!
zut, 笑出来啦~ 会中内伤的呀~!
3. who always complaint hungry half way?? haha ME~!! ophs~
4. Always late for rehearsal = karen + (a little bit of me)
5. Tempo Stealer dominated to YEM VOON~! lol
6. most important we enjoyed~! agree with me??
say till sob sob dy...
cos i know after today we will 分手liao..(karen say de)
sad case...
one more thing... today FORGOT take pic together~!!
we did well today~! no heart attack~! lol~!
take care everyone
da jia + U + U + U + U ~!!!! =D
Monday, August 3, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Iban Shuffle ~
a veliveli sweat video
Thursday, July 30, 2009
it's killing me~
Back in school today...
for CME class
everything goes wrong
MY HAND...so numb
MY BRAIN...not functioning
MY BODY... so weak
MY MUSCLE...so tight
cant really play my violin...
I just feel soooo ...ARGHHH.... T.T
I just hate being so weak..
COMBO = nose block + fever + cough
great huh?
who want this combo? i give u for free..
can feel my lung is coming out soon
Performance at 1 utama tonight
hope i dont cough during performance
gtg prepare liao...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
hate it....
害 me cant go school...
miss class again...
hate it....~!
damn hate it~
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Don't Miss This~ ^^
This song " F**k You" written by Lily Allen herself
its about former US President G.W.B (better not to say who)
How was it?? Nice??
From her latest Album
" Its Not Me, It's You"
