Saturday, June 20, 2009

Only Human

this song just warms my heart
at the same time makes my cry...@@
before i found the meaning of the lyrics
i thought it is a love song
but then...
it's totally different from what i feel...

something to share with everyone
the meaning of [Only Human] by K
from 1 Litre of Tears

On the opposite coast of sadness
Is something called smile

Finally we arrived,
but what we're waiting for?

The purpose is not to run away,
It's to chase after dreams.
We should have gone out to travel
on that summer day so long ago

If we find it tomorrow
we can't sigh
Because like a boat that opposes the stream
we have to walk straight on

In a place worn down by sadness
something called a Miracle, is waiting
Yet we are still searching
for the sunflower that grows at the end of spring

The warrior who awaits the morning light
before he can clasp it with red nails
his tears glitter and fall

Even if we're grown used to loneliness
only relying on the light of the moon
We have to fly away with featherless wing
Just go forward, just a little further

Even tomorrow, if you see it
Though there isn't a sigh either
Like a ship going against the current flow
Right now, Go forward, Move ahead

As the rainclouds break
the wet streets sparkling
although it brings only darkness
A strong and powerful light
helps push us to walk on...

P/S :
Watch " 1 litre of Tears" ,
and there's absolutely no way you won't appreciate your life more...
get the meaning?

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