Tuesday evening... hmmph
for a sudden, me and my aunt and my cousin
feels like laksa"ing"
its been 7 months..
yea 7 MONTHS i dint laksa~
can u imagine that??
you duno the pain of being separated from your favourite food....
ophs.. this is not sarawak laksa...its just a stupid girl eating IKEA hot dog bun..
k la.. here goes the laksa...
eh? not laksa againits baby "khu" ing one side
while we are cooking laksa
its not easy thou..
so many things to prepare
ma huan...
the silky silky noodles for laksa
cousin fry egg..cos she knows my egg kungfu very bad..
egg 丝
gg ness chicken drumstick
laksa "liao" bought from sarawakcookcookcook with prawn punya "kak"
ladies and gentlemen...
(drum roll"ing"....)
@angkasa kondominium
block XX level XX no.XX
!!!!~~~~ TaDa ~~~!!!!
I feeeeeeeeeeel good~! oh yea~!
ok i got to admit..
its not 100% laksa "bi"
but got 70% liao...
ya ba da ba doooo~!!!! ^^