happy moonlight / mooncake / or lantern festival???
happy mid autumn?? (in chinese translate)
getting so blue mood today..
emo in everyway..
thats why i type everything in blue...
i woke up quite early
student came to my house for lesson 8.30am in da morning
and i m so blurrrrrrrr
thn i start prac violin cos noon gtg for major
dim sum with lisa for lunch
thn drive to klcc
thn "ZA DAO"...
but teacher is not in klcc
back home .. on9..
read blogs... read tio qiqi punya blog
and i kena "stun"... tears start droping out..
why m i so blue...
missing my family...??
jury coming soon???
final coming soon??
duno duno..
"i in prob" or " i int prob""
going out soon for dinner....stil duno wat to wear..
ophs~!! cheer up cheer up~!